Friday, October 26, 2007

Back in Berkeley

…and exhausted. I woke up way earlier than I needed to, this morning, and couldn’t go back to sleep. (I’d been thinking of going on a sunrise hike, but it was way foggy until after lunch.)

What I’ve done today:

  • Hosted breakfast
  • Packed my stuff and cleaned my room
  • Went to lunch (wasn’t hosting)
  • Wandered for close to two hours through the creekbed, Gina’s Orchard, and what I think of as the back way to the peace pole—it wouldn’t really take that long, but I walked slow and stopped a lot, both praying and taking pictures of October
  • Said bye to the staff until next month; I have to coordinate my rota and syllabi to see when works best to go back
  • Drove for two hours; first past the wineries and through Sebastopol (thank you Sean), and then in bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way through Marin
  • Called "Calabash family" to tell them I was safe (they worry about my car, with reason) and to ask when I'm serving at church; laughed when I realized it'll still be October, and I already knew I wasn't scheduled
  • Picked at dinner; I miss real food too much
  • Found missing church rota, in a pile on my floor; picked it up
  • Put my suitcase on my bed, intending to unpack it—which I will do before I crawl in
  • Checked e-mail and messed around some more with Firefox

I need to organize myself for tomorrow; I have reading that I never got to, and I’m going into the city to march for peace with my bishop. That’s really why I came back today.

I’m academically behind now, but no more than usual, and it’s not insurmountable. I did the soul-work I needed to last week, and I don’t regret any of it. If anything, I ought to have walked more. Every time I opened myself, something amazing happened. God and that place are a powerful combination.

Do I still have snags? Yeah. But I understand them better now. And I know what I need to do, when they come up.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.


Mimi said...

March for me, my friend! Thank you!

Lauralew said...

Hi Kristin, my sushi eating Facebook pal, first time I came across your blog. March on, just as mimi said. Seminary is SUCH a busy time, learning and doing and being. Peace, the deep kind, be with you.

June Butler said...

March for me, too, Kirstin.