Sunday, March 02, 2008


Have to write a reflection paper; it was due a week ago. Want, to sleep.

It's not even that I still feel awful; I'm no longer acutely ill. It's that walking half a block for breakfast tired me out.

I haven't had the flu since... maybe once since college. I don't remember the recovery being this tedious. My fever's gone and my brain is awake; but I have the energy of a slug.

I need to rest, but I've got so much catch-up work to do. Not only that, but when I was well, I asked to preach in chapel this coming Friday. Normally I love it--but I wish now, I hadn't.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Sending many prayers, good thoughts and wishes your way dear Kirstin.

Something it would appear, is being born for you - I am sorry that it is taking so much time and energy to do so.
