Sean asked me if I'd been to the Cristo. I said not this week; I'm not in a crucifixion mood. He told me that the oak tree had split into three pieces. He mused in his way, whether that meant something.
It damn sure does. Here is your earthquake. This is your temple veil.
Association of Cancer Online Resources(ACOR) A collection of mailing lists and informational resources for people affected by all types of cancers, including patients and caregivers.
American Cancer Society Research, fundraising, and many, many layers of patient care support. Sponsors of the Relay for Life.
Being Cancer Network A collection of blogs (I found it when I discovered that I'm listed there) and informational/advocacy resources. If you're looking for someone who's been where you are, you'll probably find them. A community, and an information/advocacy clearinghouse.
Melanoma Research Foundation Research, advocacy, education, community message boards.
My Crazy Sexy Life A community with a strong focus on eating well and living healthily. Leans toward alternative.
wow - death has no victory!
Beautiful - and beautifully complex
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